Special Check Up

Special Check Up

suddenly regardless of age, gender or any career. Source of the disease, which is undesirable, may be caused by the environment around us or the unbalance behavior or even from body mechanism that aging faster a biological clock. These factors will affect the quality of life significantly.

PANACEE MEDICAL CENTER (Thailand) has a special analysis program. The objective is to obtain results that can indicate the causes of various diseases and truly explain those problem. This helps avoid and prevent illnesses that may occur


  • - Sudden Death Check Up >>> Heart Check Up

Health programs to prevent the occurrence of sudden death. Since the statistics of heart disease and acute cardiac failure is increasing, partly from environmental conditions and inappropriate behavior. However, these diseases can be prevented and treated, if we can detect the risks early and treat them early.
  • - Anti-Aging Check Up
It is check up program for people who want to slow their aging process. Viewing the balance of the body and checking the level of sex hormones and related hormones.
  • - Weight Management Check Up
Overweight is not caused by eating too much alone. As you can see some people may eating only slightly but have overweight. Or even some serious exercise to lose weight but cannot lose any. One reason is imbalance in the body itself. Therefore, the correct weight loss program systems should analyze body's metabolic system, such as carbohydrates and fats metabolism as well as the hormone levels that are in equilibrium or not.
  • Hormone Check Up
Program for check up various hormones which have an important role in relation to the condition of the body balance in all aspects such as health and emotional which are thyroid hormone, sex hormone, a hormone associated with building cells and body's metabolic system.
  • - Young Executive Check Up
Young Executives often have problems with the allocation of time for themselves. As they mainly focus on their work and careers, and do not exercise much. Thus causing health problems differ from other group. PANACEE present health check package for the Young Executive, to make the annual health check appropriately and cover most problems that might occur.
  • - Executive Check Up
It is the special programs for those whose first priority is health. You can assure that you have completely checked all of your health risk. Food intolerance test (IgG 221) tells you what kind of food is suitable and not suitable for our body; we also check the quality of cells and the number of stem cells in body.


It is a detoxification program for individuals who want to start taking care of their health, or have a limited time. The detoxification is the health care basis that will enable the cells exposed to nutrients and act effectively. Moreover, accumulated toxin can cause numerous health problems, such as the skin problem, as well as internal organs problem. Manage your time for 2 days for detoxification and good health for yourself.
  • - Chelation Therapy
Detoxification of heavy metals accumulated in the body from food, drug, cosmetic and pollution, to prevent diseases such as cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s disease, high blood pressure, dizziness, fatigue and pain without reason. The treatment takes about 2 hours.
  • - Liver Detox
Detoxification of residues and restoration of liver cells that are damaged by alcohol, prevent pesticide residues and liver disease. The treatment takes about 2 hours.
  • - Colon Hydrotherapy
Detoxification of toxins from the digestive tract, prevent colorectal cancer and balance excretion. Help brighten the skin and better nutrient absorpbtion. The treatment takes about 1 hour.


Programs that will make you look good, healthy flawless glow from the inside like Super Star by specific formula of Panacee Medical Center
  • - Colon Hydrotherapy
Detoxification of toxins from the digestive tract; balance excretion. Help brighten the skin and better absorb nutrients. The treatment takes about 45 minutes and 1-2 times per week.
  • - Chelation Therapy *Plus Specific Formula of Panacee Medical Center
Detoxification of heavy metals accumulated in the body that are brought by food, drug, cosmetic and pollution, It enable cell to better absorp nutrients and function cause effectively. The treatment takes about 2 hours and 1-2 times per week.
  • - Panacee's Secret Blink (Plus Specific Formula of Panacee Medical Center)
Ingredients include vitamins, minerals and antioxidants which are direct food for skin. Strengthen skin structure. Reduce the occurrence of black spots. Protect your skin from pollution. It takes about 2 hours and 1 time per week.


The program that brings vitamins, minerals, antioxidants are mixed together. It can be used to treat symptoms, strengthen the immune system quickly and efficiently. Nourish the brain and memory. Relieve pain, muscle aches, fatigue, and sinusitis. In addition to vitamin infusion, there is also ozone therapy to enhance the immune response and energy to the cells.
  • - Myers' Cocktail
Special vitamin formula invented by Dr. John Myers, it contains number of vitamins and minerals to treat various conditions, urgently strengthen immunity, nourish brain and memory system brain, and relieve fatigue. The treatment takes about 1 hour, 2-3 times per week.
  • - Ozone Therapy
Increase oxygen in the blood, hence it increases energy and enhances exercise performance. It enhances the efficiency of the immune system to eliminate pathogens, especially viruses. It is an ideal program for those who are infected with the flu. Hepatitis, etc. The treatment takes about 1 hour.
  • - Cell Booster (Perfect Booster) *Plus Specific Formula of Panacee Medical Center
Feeding of fluid, minerals, vitamin C and antioxidants to the body, help strengthen the immune system. It is suitable for people who are vulnerable to infections, especially colds and flu, those who are weak or are in recovery. Nourish your skin complexion. The treatment takes about 1.30 hour.

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